Potatoes Australia

The Voice of the Potato Industry Value Chain

In June 2024, Australia proudly hosted the 12th World Potato Congress in Adelaide, marking a pivotal moment for the global potato industry. Beyond the opportunity to showcase the excellence of the Australian potato sector on the world stage, this congress aimed to catapult potatoes into the spotlight as a compelling, nutritional and health-conscious food choice, both domestically and internationally.

Click on the titles below to view the highlights of the World Potato Congress 2024.

Who We Are

Potatoes Australia was established in 2021 to create a strong, national voice for the largest horticultural industry in Australia. It recognises the diverse needs of all potato industry sectors – fresh, seed and processing – and also the complex value chain involved in producing, preparing and marketing high quality produce.

Unlike many agricultural and horticultural bodies, Potatoes Australia represents all components of the value chain, in order to achieve meaningful change and progression for the whole of the industry where there are issues or opportunities that impact all participants. Examples include bio-security, market access, consumer demand, and R&D investment decisions.

Man planting in field

“Recognising the diverse needs of all potato industry sectors – and also the complex value chain involved in producing, preparing and marketing high quality produce.”


Potatoes Australia is a company limited by guarantee. It’s constitution has been developed to ensure representation across the whole of the potato industry value chain in Australia.

Annual General Meeting

Our inaugural AGM was held at Ballarat, Victoria. A copy of the Chair report can be found here.

The next AGM will be held in November 2024. Further details will be posted soon.

Potatoes held in hands

Our Board

Our Board comprises a minimum of five and a maximum of ten directors. A majority of directors must be members of Potatoes Australia. The balance of positions, including the Independent Chair, are skills based directors who bring specialist expertise and a different viewpoint to Board debate and discussion.

Board members are elected and rotated according to the rules in the Constitution.

Strategic Plan

Potatoes Australia is consulting  industry participants to prepare a comprehensive strategic plan outlining the key priorities for industry progression.

If you would like to be involved in the development of this plan, please contact us using the details on the contact us page of the website.

Tractors in a field
Produce storage and transport bins

How we are funded

Potatoes Australia is a low-cost body funded through member fees as outlined in its constitution. It is independent of any government levies or other forms of funding that could compromise its objectivity. The annual report details how the funds are collected and used each year.

If you would like to become a member, no matter which part of the industry you operate in, please contact us using the form below.

Platinum Value Chain Member

Gold Value Chain Member


Get in touch

Potatoes Australia invites feedback from all industry stakeholders, whether members of the organisation or not.

If you would like to get in touch please leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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